Cookie Usage

The website uses cookies to help us see which pages people are looking at most, least and how they get to a page. Understanding this helps us to improve our website. We do not collect personal information via cookies and we do not pass information to advertisers.

EU Directive on cookies

The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 recently came into effect. According to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), website owners are required to obtain consent from visitors to their website before placing cookies on their computers.

By using our site, you are giving us your implied consent to set cookies on your computer. Should you not wish to accept cookies from us, you may need to change your browser’s configuration to prevent them from being set, or arrange to opt out (where possible).

This page explains more about what cookies are, why and how we use them and it also gives information about how you can control the use of cookies on your computer.

What is a cookie?

Data under a magnifying glass

A cookie is string of text information that is placed on your computer via your web browser. It can store information that relates to your use of a website. This website, like most others, uses cookies.

Cookies are often used for statistical recording (telling us which pages were visited and when)and for enabling you to set user preferences so that when you return to our website, some of your preferences can be automatically applied.

We do not use cookies to collect information about you that would make you personally identifiable and we do not collect any sensitive personal data via cookies. However, if you have given us information about yourself on our site before, we might be able to connect your personal information to your cookie information. Furthermore, we do not show advertisements on our site which are controlled by external parties.

Cookies can be either temporary or longer lasting. A session cookie exists for the duration of your visit to the website and is deleted when you leave it. A persistent cookie has a set lifespan and will remain on your computer for a specific length of time unless otherwise deleted by you.

Cookies used on the Selattyn and Gobowen Site

Google Analytics

Like many websites, we use Google Analytics to help us to identify the way in which our website is used so we can try to improve it. The following cookies are set by Google analytics:

  • _utma
  • _utmb
  • _utmc
  • _utmz
  • _utma

These are all used to collect non-personal information about how visitors use our site in terms of the numbers of visitors, the pages that they visit and the website they came from.


Other cookies

There are many applications on the Selattyn and Gobowen Parish Council website that rely on cookies to process your information. By application, we are referring to a part of the website that has a specific purpose which involves you being asked to enter information. Without cookies, many of these applications would not function properly.

Log cookies

Where we link to external social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or Flickr, these sites may set cookies when you visit them. You will need to refer to their respective privacy policies to see how this information is used.


Control Facebook’s use of cookies to show you ads

You can control how Facebook use data to show you ads by using the tools described on the Facebook Cookies and Other Storage Technologies page.

Opting out

You can prevent us from setting cookies by making changes to your browser settings. For more information, please refer to your browser’s ‘Help’ function. If you do choose to restrict the setting of cookies, this may stop the site from appearing to work properly when you visit it.

It is possible to opt-out of allowing Google cookies to be set. Visit the Google Opt-out page to find out how to do this.

Do Not Track (DNT) browser setting

DNT is a feature offered by some browsers which, when enabled, sends a signal to websites to request that your browsing is not tracked, such as by third party ad networks, social networks and analytic companies.

Further reading

All personal data collected by Selattyn and Gobowen Parish Council is handled in accordance with Data Protection principles.